Video index
Items 1 & 2
1. Notice and Return
2. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
Item 3 (Part 1 of 2)
3. Enhancing Opportunities for Dallas ISD - 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
Items 3 (Part 2 of 2) & 4
3. Enhancing Opportunities for Dallas ISD - 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
4. Adjournment
Nov 02, 2017 Board of Trustees and Superintendent Workshop Agenda and Notice
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Items 1 & 2
1. Notice and Return
2. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
Item 3 (Part 1 of 2)
3. Enhancing Opportunities for Dallas ISD - 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
Items 3 (Part 2 of 2) & 4
3. Enhancing Opportunities for Dallas ISD - 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
4. Adjournment
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