A. 551.071 For private consultation with its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter; including discussion of the Dallas Education Foundation.
B. 551.072 To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, sell or value of real property.
C. 551.074 To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding Between Dallas ISD and Dallas Education Foundation (DEF) (Not to Exceed $225,000. General Operating Funds) and Ratify Dallas ISD's Previous Expenditures and Actions in Support of DEF Not Previously Approved by the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees (Not to Exceed $326,000 General Operating Funds)
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Adopt Board Policy ELA (Local) Campus or Program Charters Partnership Charters (Second Read, Sponsored by Brian Lusk, Acting Chief of Strategic Initiatives)
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Adopt the Resolution Ordering a General Election to be Held May 4, 2019, for the Purpose of Electing Three Members to the Board of Trustees of the Dallas Independent School District in Districts 4, 5, and 7
B. Conduct the Board's Constraint Self-Evaluation in Accordance with the TEA Lone Star Governance Implementation Integrity Instrument
C. Consider and Take Possible Action to Conduct the Eighth Quarter Self-Evaluation in Accordance with the TEA Lone Star Governance Implementation Integrity Instrument
B. Discussion of Policy BDAA (Local) Officers and Officials Duties and Requirements of Board Officers (First Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff)
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize and Enter Into An Agreement with Excel English Institute for Adult Education Track Programs for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $300,000 through April 30, 2020 / General Operating / Special Revenue Funds)
B. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter Into Agreements with Various Marketing and Advertising Suppliers for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $4,500,000 Over Three (3) Years Including Renewal Options / General Operating / Special Revenue / Bond Funds)
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Education Affiliation Agreement Between the University of Texas at Austin and the Dallas Independent School District to Allow the University of Texas at Austin to Place Their Clinical Teachers, Also Known as Student Teachers, in Dallas Independent School District Schools (No Financial Impact)
B. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Agreement Between the Texas Education Agency, The Ministry of Education of Spain, and Dallas ISD for Dallas ISD’s Participation in the Texas Visiting Teacher Program in the 2019-20 Academic Year (Not To Exceed $35,000 General Operating Funds)
C. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the 2019-2020 Recruitment Incentive Proposal (Not to Exceed $2,195,000 General Operating Funds)
A. 551.071 For private consultation with its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter; including discussion of the Dallas Education Foundation.
B. 551.072 To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, sell or value of real property.
C. 551.074 To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding Between Dallas ISD and Dallas Education Foundation (DEF) (Not to Exceed $225,000. General Operating Funds) and Ratify Dallas ISD's Previous Expenditures and Actions in Support of DEF Not Previously Approved by the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees (Not to Exceed $326,000 General Operating Funds)
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Adopt Board Policy ELA (Local) Campus or Program Charters Partnership Charters (Second Read, Sponsored by Brian Lusk, Acting Chief of Strategic Initiatives)
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Adopt the Resolution Ordering a General Election to be Held May 4, 2019, for the Purpose of Electing Three Members to the Board of Trustees of the Dallas Independent School District in Districts 4, 5, and 7
B. Conduct the Board's Constraint Self-Evaluation in Accordance with the TEA Lone Star Governance Implementation Integrity Instrument
C. Consider and Take Possible Action to Conduct the Eighth Quarter Self-Evaluation in Accordance with the TEA Lone Star Governance Implementation Integrity Instrument
B. Discussion of Policy BDAA (Local) Officers and Officials Duties and Requirements of Board Officers (First Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff)
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize and Enter Into An Agreement with Excel English Institute for Adult Education Track Programs for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $300,000 through April 30, 2020 / General Operating / Special Revenue Funds)
B. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter Into Agreements with Various Marketing and Advertising Suppliers for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $4,500,000 Over Three (3) Years Including Renewal Options / General Operating / Special Revenue / Bond Funds)
A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Education Affiliation Agreement Between the University of Texas at Austin and the Dallas Independent School District to Allow the University of Texas at Austin to Place Their Clinical Teachers, Also Known as Student Teachers, in Dallas Independent School District Schools (No Financial Impact)
B. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Agreement Between the Texas Education Agency, The Ministry of Education of Spain, and Dallas ISD for Dallas ISD’s Participation in the Texas Visiting Teacher Program in the 2019-20 Academic Year (Not To Exceed $35,000 General Operating Funds)
C. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the 2019-2020 Recruitment Incentive Proposal (Not to Exceed $2,195,000 General Operating Funds)