3.01 Persons desiring to address the Board may register prior to the Board Meeting by calling the Board Services Office at (972) 925-3720 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m., the day preceding the Board Meeting. Speakers on Board Briefing Day are limited to specific agenda items. [See BE(LOCAL)] Persons who have not addressed the Board on Board Briefing Day, but who are properly registered, may address the regular Board Meeting as to agenda items, policies, or matters of public concern. At all other times during Board Meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes. Ref: Board Policy BED(LOCAL). Delegations consisting of two or more persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board.
4.01 Superintendent's Report: Academic Achievements, Accolades, Events, and Legislative Update
4.02 Board of Trustee Committee Reports
4.03 Trustee Reports for Districts 1 through 9 on community interests to include topics such as (1) expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; (2) information regarding holiday schedules; (3) an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen, except that a discussion regarding a change in status of a person’s public office or public employment is not an honorary or salutary recognition for purposes of this subdivision; or (4) a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body.
8.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Open Arms Inc., DBA Bryan’s House, and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Open Arms, Inc., DBA Bryan’s House (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.04, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.04 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to ChildCareGroup (Landauer Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with ChildCareGroup (Landauer Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.05, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to ChildCareGroup (Martin Luther King Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with ChildCareGroup (Martin Luther King Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.06, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.06 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to ChildCareGroup (West Dallas Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with ChildCareGroup (West Dallas Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.07, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.07 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Good Street Learning Center, and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Good Street Learning Center (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.08, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.08 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Heavenly Learning Center, and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Heavenly Learning Center (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.09, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Mi Escuelita (Casa View Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Mi Escuelita (Casa View Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.10, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Mi Escuelita (Cockrell Hill Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Mi Escuelita (Cockrell Hill Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent 7.11, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Ratcliff Constructors, LP/Hernandez Consulting, LLC, A Joint Venture, for the New Construction of Arlington Park Early Childhood Center; Approve Change Order #1 ($167,632.20 Credit) and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Bridge Plan ($21,858.91 Bridge Plan) (Consent Item 7.34, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Lew Blackburn)
8.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Term Agreement with Various Automotive Suppliers for the Purchase and Repair of Commercial Trucks for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed 1,000,000 Over Three Years / Special Revenue Funds) (Consent Item 7.40, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Lew Blackburn)
3.01 Persons desiring to address the Board may register prior to the Board Meeting by calling the Board Services Office at (972) 925-3720 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m., the day preceding the Board Meeting. Speakers on Board Briefing Day are limited to specific agenda items. [See BE(LOCAL)] Persons who have not addressed the Board on Board Briefing Day, but who are properly registered, may address the regular Board Meeting as to agenda items, policies, or matters of public concern. At all other times during Board Meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes. Ref: Board Policy BED(LOCAL). Delegations consisting of two or more persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board.
4.01 Superintendent's Report: Academic Achievements, Accolades, Events, and Legislative Update
4.02 Board of Trustee Committee Reports
4.03 Trustee Reports for Districts 1 through 9 on community interests to include topics such as (1) expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; (2) information regarding holiday schedules; (3) an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen, except that a discussion regarding a change in status of a person’s public office or public employment is not an honorary or salutary recognition for purposes of this subdivision; or (4) a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body.
8.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Open Arms Inc., DBA Bryan’s House, and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Open Arms, Inc., DBA Bryan’s House (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.04, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.04 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to ChildCareGroup (Landauer Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with ChildCareGroup (Landauer Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.05, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to ChildCareGroup (Martin Luther King Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with ChildCareGroup (Martin Luther King Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.06, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.06 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to ChildCareGroup (West Dallas Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with ChildCareGroup (West Dallas Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.07, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.07 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Good Street Learning Center, and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Good Street Learning Center (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.08, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.08 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Heavenly Learning Center, and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Heavenly Learning Center (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.09, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Mi Escuelita (Casa View Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Mi Escuelita (Casa View Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent Item 7.10, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to: 1) Waive Portions of ELA (LOCAL), 2) Grant an In-District Charter to Mi Escuelita (Cockrell Hill Center), and 3) Authorize the SB 1882 Partnership Agreement with Mi Escuelita (Cockrell Hill Center) (Not to Exceed $900 Per Student, Per Year / 1882 Funds) (Consent 7.11, Pulled by Trustees Audrey Pinkerton, Joyce Foreman, and Lew Blackburn)
8.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Ratcliff Constructors, LP/Hernandez Consulting, LLC, A Joint Venture, for the New Construction of Arlington Park Early Childhood Center; Approve Change Order #1 ($167,632.20 Credit) and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Bridge Plan ($21,858.91 Bridge Plan) (Consent Item 7.34, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Lew Blackburn)
8.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Term Agreement with Various Automotive Suppliers for the Purchase and Repair of Commercial Trucks for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed 1,000,000 Over Three Years / Special Revenue Funds) (Consent Item 7.40, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Lew Blackburn)