3.02 Persons desiring to address the Board may register prior to the Board Meeting by calling the Board Services Office at (972) 925-3720 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m., the day preceding the Board Meeting. Speakers on Board Briefing Day are limited to specific agenda items. [See BE(LOCAL)] Persons who have not addressed the Board on Board Briefing Day, but who are properly registered, may address the regular Board Meeting as to agenda items, policies, or matters of public concern. At all other times during Board Meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes. Ref: Board Policy BED(LOCAL). Delegations consisting of two or more persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board.
6.01 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items 6.01 thru 6.98 as Amended
6.02 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Adoption of Board Policy AEA (Local) Educational Philosophy, Racial, Socio-Economic and Educational Equity Policy (First Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff and Israel Cordero, Deputy Superintendent Academic Improvement and Accountability)
6.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to BBB (Local) Board Member Elections (Second Read Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff)
6.04 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to BBBA (Local) Elections Conducting Elections (Second Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff)
6.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to BBBC (Local) Elections Campaign Finance (Second Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff)
6.06 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Adoption of Policy EF (LOCAL) Instructional Resources (No Financial Impact) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.07 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy EFA (LOCAL) Instructional Resources Instructional Materials (No Financial Impact)
6.08 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Deletion of Board Policy EFAA (Local) Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption (No Financial Impact) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Deletion of Board Policy EFF (Local) Instructional Resources Instructional Television (No Financial Impact) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy EHAC (Local) Basic Instructional Program Required Instruction (Secondary) (No Financial Impact) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.11 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendments to Board Policy EHBAF (LOCAL) Special Education Program Video/Audio Monitoring (No Financial Impact to the District) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer of Teaching and Learning)
6.12 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FFI (Local) Student Welfare Freedom From Bullying (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie S. Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.13 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FO (Local) Student Discipline (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie S. Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.14 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to the Student Code of Conduct for the 2018-2019 School Year as Required in Accordance with Board Policy FO (Legal) (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie S. Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.15 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Contract with Head Start of Greater Dallas to Provide Prekindergarten Collaborative Services - September 2018 (Not to Exceed $928,478 Special Revenue Funding Source)
6.16 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Memorandum of Agreement Between the University of North Texas at Dallas, the Educational Leadership Department of the School of Education (UNTD STEM) and Dallas Independent School District Relating to the UNTD STEM Leadership Cohort Program (No Financial Impact)
6.17 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Gamestop for Dr. Emmett J. Conrad High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.18 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Code Stream Studios for Franklin D. Roosevelt High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Code Stream Studios for Seagoville High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.20 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Metrocare for North Dallas High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Frito Lay, Inc. for South Oak Cliff High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.22 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Interlocal Agreement Between Texas Tech University and Dallas ISD for Personalized Learning Graduate Coursework (Not to Exceed $107,100 / General Funds / Special Funds for One Year)
6.23 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into Agreements with Multiple Vendors to Provide Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational And Physical Therapist Assessments and/or Services for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed 15,500,000.00 Over Four Years/IDEA-8 Grant Funds)
6.24 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Agreement with Bayes Achievement Center for Residential Placement, Educational, and Behavioral Services for One Student (Not to Exceed $230,780.85/Grant Funds; 18-19 Contract Term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019)
6.25 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Agreement with Bayes Achievement Center for Residential Placement, Educational, and Behavioral Services for One Student (Not to Exceed $225,090.85/Grant Funds; 18-19 Contract Term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019)
6.26 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Harry Stone Montessori Vanguard to Harry Stone Montessori Academy
6.27 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Alex Sanger Elementary School to Alex Sanger Preparatory School
6.28 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of George B. Dealey Montessori Vanguard to George B. Dealey Montessori Academy
6.29 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Rosemont Elementary School to Rosemont Preparatory School
6.30 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at B.F. Darrell to Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at A. Maceo Smith
6.31 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School to New Tech at B.F. Darrell High School
6.32 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of School Community Guidance Center to Barbara M. Manns High School for the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP)
6.33 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Learning Alternative Center for Empowering Youth to Barbara M. Manns Middle School for the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP)
6.34 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Dual Language TAG at Pleasant Grove to School for the Talented and Gifted in Pleasant Grove
6.35 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Enter Into, and Ratify an Agreement with Friends of Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy (No Financial Impact)
6.36 Consider and Take Possible Action to Enter into an Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and Dallas Urban Debate Alliance (DUDA) as Part of a Collaborative Effort to Implement Competitive Policy Debate Programming for the 2018-2019 School Year (Not to Exceed $813,864.00 General Operating Funds)
6.37 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Youth Development Services (Not to Exceed $5,000,000 Over Three Years with Two (2) One-Year Renewal Option/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.38 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with TicketRoar for the Purchase of a Game Management and Event Ticketing Platform for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $200,000 Over Five Years / General Operating Funds)
6.39 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Purchase of Vehicles for the Department of Athletics Use for Student Athlete Transportation to Local Athletic Events (Not to Exceed $271,643.76 Using General Operating Funds)
6.40 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action to Waive Board Policy CW (Local) and Approve the Renaming of William Brown Miller Elementary School to be Named Julia Scott Reed Elementary School in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.41 Consider and Take Possible Action to Waive Board Policy CW (Local) and Approve the Renaming of Seagoville Agricultural Barn to be Named Wayne Phillips Agricultural Science Center in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.42 Consider and Take Possible Action to Waive Board Policy CW (Local) and Approve the Renaming of Benjamin Franklin Middle School to be Named Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Academy in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.43 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Renaming of Dallas County Schools Technology and Training Center to be Named Turney W. Leonard Governance and Training Center in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.44 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Renaming of Mount Auburn Elementary School to be Named Mount Auburn STEAM Academy in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.45 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Renaming of NCX Building at 9400 North Central Expressway to be Named Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.46 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Naming of Sunset High School Baseball Field to be Named Abe Barnett Field (Baseball) in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local)
6.47 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Renaming of Ann Richards Middle School to be Named Ann Richards STEAM Academy in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.48 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements For Audio/Visual Vendors to Provide Rental Equipment and Support for Districtwide Events (Not to Exceed $500,000 Over Three Years/General Operating/Special Revenue Funds)
6.49 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal and Data Sharing Agreements Between Dallas ISD and University of North Texas - Dallas to Improve Educator Preparation and the Recruitment of Qualified Teachers (No Financial Impact)
6.50 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the 2018-2019 Proposed Compensation Modifications Which are Wholly Contingent and Effective Only Upon Voter Approval of a Tax Rate Election, and Which Would be Retroactively Effective to September 1, 2018
6.51 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Application and Accept Grant Funds - June 2018 (Not to Exceed $133,190,882 Special Revenue Funding Sources)
6.52 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending April 30, 2018
6.53 Consider and Take Possible Action to Purchase Existing Furniture and Technology Equipment Located at the Dallas County Schools Technology and Training Center (Not to Exceed $891,267.18/General Operating Funds)
6.54 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Suppliers for Professional Development and Consulting Services for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $19,000,000 Over Five Years / General Operating / Special Revenue Funds)
6.55 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Investment and Tax Reports for the Period Ending April 30, 2018
6.56 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims and Accounts for April 1, 2018 to April 30, 2018
6.57 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for April - June, 2018
6.58 Consider and Take Possible Action to Adopt the 2018 - 2019 Fiscal Year Budget
6.59 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 Education Service Center (ESC) for Consultant Services (Not to Exceed $143,000.00 Through August 31, 2019 - Special Revenue Funding Sources)
6.60 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Contract Increase of the Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 Education Service Center (ESC) for Consultant Services (Not to Exceed $143,000.00 Through August 31, 2019 - Special Revenue Funding Sources)
6.61 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between the Dissolution Committee for the Former Board of Dallas County School Trustees and the Dallas Independent School District
6.62 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into an Agreement with iSphere Innovation Partners LLC for the Districtwide Biometric Clock System Software and Hardware Maintenance Agreement, Including Technical Support and Equipment Upgrades/Replacements as Required (Not to Exceed $950,000 Over Three Years Including Renewal Options/General Operating/Bond/Special Revenue Funds)
6.63 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement between Dallas Independent School District and Three Local Independent School Districts to Support the Existing School Transportation Radio System Located at Bank of America Plaza in Dallas (Revenue Not to Exceed $210,000 Over Thirty-Nine (39) Months)
6.64 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Oracle America, Inc. for the Renewal of Oracle Enterprise Software Licenses, including Maintenance, Updates, Technical Support and Training for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $1,900,000 Over Thirteen (13) Months/General Operating Funds)
6.65 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Assignment and Assumption of a Radio Antenna License Agreement between the Former Dallas County Schools and Dallas Main, L.P., for Radio System Equipment Hosting Located at Bank of America Plaza in Dallas (Not to Exceed $331,026 Plus Applicable Utilities Costs Over Thirty-Nine (39) Months / General Operating Funds)
6.66 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Certica Solutions, Inc. to Provide Data Validation Software Services for District Wide Use (Not to Exceed $675,000 Over Five Years Including Renewal Options /General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.67 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into an Agreement with TPx Communications for the Purchase of Districtwide Telecommunications Circuits and Services (Not to Exceed $860,000 Over Four Years Including Renewal Options / General Operating / Special Revenue Funds)
6.68 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into a Cooperative Agreement with AT&T for the Purchase of Districtwide Telecommunications Circuits and Services (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 Over Four Years Including Renewal Options / General Operating / Special Revenue Funds)
6.69 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Gilbert May, Inc. DBA Phillips/May Corporation for the Renovation of Emmett J. Conrad High School; Approve Change Order #1 ($22,195.25 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Bond Program ($3,977.04 Bond Funds)
6.70 Consider and Take Possible Action to Award and Enter into a Contract with Reeder + Summit Joint Venture to Renovate Anson Jones Elementary School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $6,533,000 Bond Funds)
6.71 Consider and Take Possible Action to Award and Enter into a Contract with CZOT MGS LLC to Add an Addition to and Renovate B.H. Macon Elementary School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $11,159,442 Bond Funds)
6.72 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Liberty Crossing TCI,LP, Autumn Breeze Apartments, LP, and the City of Wilmer, Texas for Installation of an Off-Site Sanitary Sewer Line for Wilmer Elementary School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $316,340.00 Bond Funds)
6.73 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Liberty Crossing TCI, LP, Autumn Breeze Apartments, LP, and the City of Wilmer, Texas for Installation of an Off-Site Water Line for Wilmer Elementary School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $178,333.00 Bond Funds)
6.74 Consider and Take Possible Action to Award and Enter into a Contract with Ratcliff Constructors, LP/Hernandez Consulting, LLC, a Joint Venture to Renovate Sprague Athletic Complex in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $ 4,780,000.00 Bond Funds)
6.75 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Reallocation of Surplus Interim Bridge Program Funds for the Purpose of Addressing Unprogrammed Construction and Renovation Needs at Various School Locations (Not to Exceed $18,340,000 Total)
6.76 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into an Agreement with AAA Signs & Banners to Provide Stenciling for District School Buses for Student Transportation Services (Not to Exceed $475,000 Using General Operating Funds)
6.77 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Charter Bus Services (Not to Exceed $8,000,000 Over Three Years with Two (2) One-Year Renewal Option/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.78 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors for the Purchase of Bulk Diesel Fuel and Propane for Student Transportation Services (Not to Exceed $17,500,000 Over Five Years Using General Operating Funds)
6.79 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Suppliers to Purchase Parts, Tools, and Equipment for District School Buses (Not to Exceed $12,500,000 Over Five Years Using General Operating Funds)
6.80 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors for Bus Repairs and Services for Student Transportation Services (Not to Exceed $15,000,000 Over Five Years Using General Operating Funds)
6.81 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Agreement with the Texas Department of Public Safety Drivers License Division and the Dallas Independent School District to be a Commercial Drivers License Third Party Tester (No Financial Impact)
6.82 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between the Dallas County Academy for Academic Excellence and the Dallas Independent School District to Provide Student Transportation Services (No Financial Impact)
6.83 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action for Surplus Designation and Authority to Negotiate the Sale of an Approximately 1.25 Acre Tract of Land from the Louise Kahn Elementary School Campus Located at 610 N. Franklin Street, Dallas, Texas to the Abutting Owner, West Davis Plymouth Development LLC
6.84 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Change Order #1 for NCX Renovation Phase 2 ($125,000 / General Operating Funds)
6.85 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Building Supplies and Construction Materials (Not to Exceed $1,100,000 Over Three Years with Two (2) One-Year Renewal Option/General Operating Funds)
6.86 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide HVAC Services and Building Automation, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Generic Equipment, Parts, Supplies, and Accessories to Maintain and Repair HVAC Systems (Not to Exceed $28,000,000 Over Three Years/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.87 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors for Mowing Services for Grounds Department (Not to Exceed $10,000,000 Over Three Years Using General Operating Funds)
6.88 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Playground Equipment, Installation, and Repair Services (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 Over Three Years with Two (2) One-Year Renewal Option/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.89 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into a Term Agreement with Sysco NTX for the Purchase of Delivered Catering Food Products and Supplies for Food and Child Nutrition Services and the Culinary Arts Programs Districtwide (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 Over Three Years / General Operating and Special Revenue Funds)
6.90 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and Dallas County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (No Financial Impact)
6.91 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize an Increase with Multiple Suppliers for the Purchase of Dining Room Furniture and Interior Design for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed an Additional Increase of $1,500,000 for a Total Aggregate of $7,500,000 Through February 24, 2019 / Special Revenue Funds)
6.92 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize an Increase with Multiple Suppliers for the Purchase of Cafeteria Serving Lines and Commercial Kitchen Equipment for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed an Additional Increase of 750,000 for a Total Aggregate of $3,750,000 Through March 22, 2020 / Special Revenue Funds)
6.93 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into a Term Agreement with Imperial Bag & Paper Co. LLC for the Purchase of Compostable Plates for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 for One Year / Special Revenue Funds)
6.94 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and University of North Texas at Dallas (Not to Exceed $137,500)
6.95 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) (No Financial Impact)
6.96 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW (Local) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Sam Houston Elementary School to Personalized Learning Preparatory at Houston
6.97 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW (Local) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Onesimo Hernandez Elementary School to Montessori Academy at Hernandez
6.98 Consider and Take Possible to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(Local) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Sudie L. Williams Elementary School to Sudie L. Williams Talented and Gifted Academy
7.23 Consider and Take Possible to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW (Local) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Sudie L. Williams Elementary School to Sudie L. Williams Talented and Gifted Academy (Consent Item 6.98, Pulled by the Administration)
3.02 Persons desiring to address the Board may register prior to the Board Meeting by calling the Board Services Office at (972) 925-3720 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m., the day preceding the Board Meeting. Speakers on Board Briefing Day are limited to specific agenda items. [See BE(LOCAL)] Persons who have not addressed the Board on Board Briefing Day, but who are properly registered, may address the regular Board Meeting as to agenda items, policies, or matters of public concern. At all other times during Board Meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes. Ref: Board Policy BED(LOCAL). Delegations consisting of two or more persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board.
6.01 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items 6.01 thru 6.98 as Amended
6.02 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Adoption of Board Policy AEA (Local) Educational Philosophy, Racial, Socio-Economic and Educational Equity Policy (First Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff and Israel Cordero, Deputy Superintendent Academic Improvement and Accountability)
6.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to BBB (Local) Board Member Elections (Second Read Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff)
6.04 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to BBBA (Local) Elections Conducting Elections (Second Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff)
6.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to BBBC (Local) Elections Campaign Finance (Second Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff)
6.06 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Adoption of Policy EF (LOCAL) Instructional Resources (No Financial Impact) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.07 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy EFA (LOCAL) Instructional Resources Instructional Materials (No Financial Impact)
6.08 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Deletion of Board Policy EFAA (Local) Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption (No Financial Impact) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Deletion of Board Policy EFF (Local) Instructional Resources Instructional Television (No Financial Impact) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy EHAC (Local) Basic Instructional Program Required Instruction (Secondary) (No Financial Impact) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.11 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendments to Board Policy EHBAF (LOCAL) Special Education Program Video/Audio Monitoring (No Financial Impact to the District) (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer of Teaching and Learning)
6.12 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FFI (Local) Student Welfare Freedom From Bullying (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie S. Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.13 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FO (Local) Student Discipline (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie S. Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.14 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to the Student Code of Conduct for the 2018-2019 School Year as Required in Accordance with Board Policy FO (Legal) (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie S. Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.15 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Contract with Head Start of Greater Dallas to Provide Prekindergarten Collaborative Services - September 2018 (Not to Exceed $928,478 Special Revenue Funding Source)
6.16 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Memorandum of Agreement Between the University of North Texas at Dallas, the Educational Leadership Department of the School of Education (UNTD STEM) and Dallas Independent School District Relating to the UNTD STEM Leadership Cohort Program (No Financial Impact)
6.17 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Gamestop for Dr. Emmett J. Conrad High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.18 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Code Stream Studios for Franklin D. Roosevelt High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Code Stream Studios for Seagoville High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.20 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Metrocare for North Dallas High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District, Dallas Independent School District, and Frito Lay, Inc. for South Oak Cliff High School Implementation of P-TECH (No Financial Impact)
6.22 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Interlocal Agreement Between Texas Tech University and Dallas ISD for Personalized Learning Graduate Coursework (Not to Exceed $107,100 / General Funds / Special Funds for One Year)
6.23 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into Agreements with Multiple Vendors to Provide Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational And Physical Therapist Assessments and/or Services for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed 15,500,000.00 Over Four Years/IDEA-8 Grant Funds)
6.24 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Agreement with Bayes Achievement Center for Residential Placement, Educational, and Behavioral Services for One Student (Not to Exceed $230,780.85/Grant Funds; 18-19 Contract Term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019)
6.25 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Agreement with Bayes Achievement Center for Residential Placement, Educational, and Behavioral Services for One Student (Not to Exceed $225,090.85/Grant Funds; 18-19 Contract Term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019)
6.26 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Harry Stone Montessori Vanguard to Harry Stone Montessori Academy
6.27 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Alex Sanger Elementary School to Alex Sanger Preparatory School
6.28 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of George B. Dealey Montessori Vanguard to George B. Dealey Montessori Academy
6.29 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Rosemont Elementary School to Rosemont Preparatory School
6.30 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at B.F. Darrell to Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at A. Maceo Smith
6.31 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School to New Tech at B.F. Darrell High School
6.32 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of School Community Guidance Center to Barbara M. Manns High School for the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP)
6.33 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Learning Alternative Center for Empowering Youth to Barbara M. Manns Middle School for the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP)
6.34 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(LOCAL) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Dual Language TAG at Pleasant Grove to School for the Talented and Gifted in Pleasant Grove
6.35 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Enter Into, and Ratify an Agreement with Friends of Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy (No Financial Impact)
6.36 Consider and Take Possible Action to Enter into an Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and Dallas Urban Debate Alliance (DUDA) as Part of a Collaborative Effort to Implement Competitive Policy Debate Programming for the 2018-2019 School Year (Not to Exceed $813,864.00 General Operating Funds)
6.37 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Youth Development Services (Not to Exceed $5,000,000 Over Three Years with Two (2) One-Year Renewal Option/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.38 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with TicketRoar for the Purchase of a Game Management and Event Ticketing Platform for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $200,000 Over Five Years / General Operating Funds)
6.39 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Purchase of Vehicles for the Department of Athletics Use for Student Athlete Transportation to Local Athletic Events (Not to Exceed $271,643.76 Using General Operating Funds)
6.40 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action to Waive Board Policy CW (Local) and Approve the Renaming of William Brown Miller Elementary School to be Named Julia Scott Reed Elementary School in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.41 Consider and Take Possible Action to Waive Board Policy CW (Local) and Approve the Renaming of Seagoville Agricultural Barn to be Named Wayne Phillips Agricultural Science Center in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.42 Consider and Take Possible Action to Waive Board Policy CW (Local) and Approve the Renaming of Benjamin Franklin Middle School to be Named Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Academy in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.43 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Renaming of Dallas County Schools Technology and Training Center to be Named Turney W. Leonard Governance and Training Center in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.44 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Renaming of Mount Auburn Elementary School to be Named Mount Auburn STEAM Academy in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.45 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Renaming of NCX Building at 9400 North Central Expressway to be Named Linus D. Wright Dallas ISD Administration Building in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.46 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Naming of Sunset High School Baseball Field to be Named Abe Barnett Field (Baseball) in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local)
6.47 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Renaming of Ann Richards Middle School to be Named Ann Richards STEAM Academy in Accordance with Board Policy CW (Local) New Facilities
6.48 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements For Audio/Visual Vendors to Provide Rental Equipment and Support for Districtwide Events (Not to Exceed $500,000 Over Three Years/General Operating/Special Revenue Funds)
6.49 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal and Data Sharing Agreements Between Dallas ISD and University of North Texas - Dallas to Improve Educator Preparation and the Recruitment of Qualified Teachers (No Financial Impact)
6.50 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the 2018-2019 Proposed Compensation Modifications Which are Wholly Contingent and Effective Only Upon Voter Approval of a Tax Rate Election, and Which Would be Retroactively Effective to September 1, 2018
6.51 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Application and Accept Grant Funds - June 2018 (Not to Exceed $133,190,882 Special Revenue Funding Sources)
6.52 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending April 30, 2018
6.53 Consider and Take Possible Action to Purchase Existing Furniture and Technology Equipment Located at the Dallas County Schools Technology and Training Center (Not to Exceed $891,267.18/General Operating Funds)
6.54 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Suppliers for Professional Development and Consulting Services for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $19,000,000 Over Five Years / General Operating / Special Revenue Funds)
6.55 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Investment and Tax Reports for the Period Ending April 30, 2018
6.56 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims and Accounts for April 1, 2018 to April 30, 2018
6.57 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for April - June, 2018
6.58 Consider and Take Possible Action to Adopt the 2018 - 2019 Fiscal Year Budget
6.59 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 Education Service Center (ESC) for Consultant Services (Not to Exceed $143,000.00 Through August 31, 2019 - Special Revenue Funding Sources)
6.60 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Contract Increase of the Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 Education Service Center (ESC) for Consultant Services (Not to Exceed $143,000.00 Through August 31, 2019 - Special Revenue Funding Sources)
6.61 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between the Dissolution Committee for the Former Board of Dallas County School Trustees and the Dallas Independent School District
6.62 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into an Agreement with iSphere Innovation Partners LLC for the Districtwide Biometric Clock System Software and Hardware Maintenance Agreement, Including Technical Support and Equipment Upgrades/Replacements as Required (Not to Exceed $950,000 Over Three Years Including Renewal Options/General Operating/Bond/Special Revenue Funds)
6.63 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement between Dallas Independent School District and Three Local Independent School Districts to Support the Existing School Transportation Radio System Located at Bank of America Plaza in Dallas (Revenue Not to Exceed $210,000 Over Thirty-Nine (39) Months)
6.64 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Oracle America, Inc. for the Renewal of Oracle Enterprise Software Licenses, including Maintenance, Updates, Technical Support and Training for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $1,900,000 Over Thirteen (13) Months/General Operating Funds)
6.65 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Assignment and Assumption of a Radio Antenna License Agreement between the Former Dallas County Schools and Dallas Main, L.P., for Radio System Equipment Hosting Located at Bank of America Plaza in Dallas (Not to Exceed $331,026 Plus Applicable Utilities Costs Over Thirty-Nine (39) Months / General Operating Funds)
6.66 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Certica Solutions, Inc. to Provide Data Validation Software Services for District Wide Use (Not to Exceed $675,000 Over Five Years Including Renewal Options /General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.67 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into an Agreement with TPx Communications for the Purchase of Districtwide Telecommunications Circuits and Services (Not to Exceed $860,000 Over Four Years Including Renewal Options / General Operating / Special Revenue Funds)
6.68 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into a Cooperative Agreement with AT&T for the Purchase of Districtwide Telecommunications Circuits and Services (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 Over Four Years Including Renewal Options / General Operating / Special Revenue Funds)
6.69 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Gilbert May, Inc. DBA Phillips/May Corporation for the Renovation of Emmett J. Conrad High School; Approve Change Order #1 ($22,195.25 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Bond Program ($3,977.04 Bond Funds)
6.70 Consider and Take Possible Action to Award and Enter into a Contract with Reeder + Summit Joint Venture to Renovate Anson Jones Elementary School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $6,533,000 Bond Funds)
6.71 Consider and Take Possible Action to Award and Enter into a Contract with CZOT MGS LLC to Add an Addition to and Renovate B.H. Macon Elementary School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $11,159,442 Bond Funds)
6.72 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Liberty Crossing TCI,LP, Autumn Breeze Apartments, LP, and the City of Wilmer, Texas for Installation of an Off-Site Sanitary Sewer Line for Wilmer Elementary School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $316,340.00 Bond Funds)
6.73 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Liberty Crossing TCI, LP, Autumn Breeze Apartments, LP, and the City of Wilmer, Texas for Installation of an Off-Site Water Line for Wilmer Elementary School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $178,333.00 Bond Funds)
6.74 Consider and Take Possible Action to Award and Enter into a Contract with Ratcliff Constructors, LP/Hernandez Consulting, LLC, a Joint Venture to Renovate Sprague Athletic Complex in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $ 4,780,000.00 Bond Funds)
6.75 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Reallocation of Surplus Interim Bridge Program Funds for the Purpose of Addressing Unprogrammed Construction and Renovation Needs at Various School Locations (Not to Exceed $18,340,000 Total)
6.76 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into an Agreement with AAA Signs & Banners to Provide Stenciling for District School Buses for Student Transportation Services (Not to Exceed $475,000 Using General Operating Funds)
6.77 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Charter Bus Services (Not to Exceed $8,000,000 Over Three Years with Two (2) One-Year Renewal Option/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.78 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors for the Purchase of Bulk Diesel Fuel and Propane for Student Transportation Services (Not to Exceed $17,500,000 Over Five Years Using General Operating Funds)
6.79 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Suppliers to Purchase Parts, Tools, and Equipment for District School Buses (Not to Exceed $12,500,000 Over Five Years Using General Operating Funds)
6.80 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors for Bus Repairs and Services for Student Transportation Services (Not to Exceed $15,000,000 Over Five Years Using General Operating Funds)
6.81 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Agreement with the Texas Department of Public Safety Drivers License Division and the Dallas Independent School District to be a Commercial Drivers License Third Party Tester (No Financial Impact)
6.82 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between the Dallas County Academy for Academic Excellence and the Dallas Independent School District to Provide Student Transportation Services (No Financial Impact)
6.83 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action for Surplus Designation and Authority to Negotiate the Sale of an Approximately 1.25 Acre Tract of Land from the Louise Kahn Elementary School Campus Located at 610 N. Franklin Street, Dallas, Texas to the Abutting Owner, West Davis Plymouth Development LLC
6.84 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Change Order #1 for NCX Renovation Phase 2 ($125,000 / General Operating Funds)
6.85 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Building Supplies and Construction Materials (Not to Exceed $1,100,000 Over Three Years with Two (2) One-Year Renewal Option/General Operating Funds)
6.86 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide HVAC Services and Building Automation, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Generic Equipment, Parts, Supplies, and Accessories to Maintain and Repair HVAC Systems (Not to Exceed $28,000,000 Over Three Years/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.87 PULLED Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors for Mowing Services for Grounds Department (Not to Exceed $10,000,000 Over Three Years Using General Operating Funds)
6.88 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Playground Equipment, Installation, and Repair Services (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 Over Three Years with Two (2) One-Year Renewal Option/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.89 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into a Term Agreement with Sysco NTX for the Purchase of Delivered Catering Food Products and Supplies for Food and Child Nutrition Services and the Culinary Arts Programs Districtwide (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 Over Three Years / General Operating and Special Revenue Funds)
6.90 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and Dallas County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (No Financial Impact)
6.91 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize an Increase with Multiple Suppliers for the Purchase of Dining Room Furniture and Interior Design for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed an Additional Increase of $1,500,000 for a Total Aggregate of $7,500,000 Through February 24, 2019 / Special Revenue Funds)
6.92 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize an Increase with Multiple Suppliers for the Purchase of Cafeteria Serving Lines and Commercial Kitchen Equipment for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed an Additional Increase of 750,000 for a Total Aggregate of $3,750,000 Through March 22, 2020 / Special Revenue Funds)
6.93 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into a Term Agreement with Imperial Bag & Paper Co. LLC for the Purchase of Compostable Plates for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 for One Year / Special Revenue Funds)
6.94 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and University of North Texas at Dallas (Not to Exceed $137,500)
6.95 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) (No Financial Impact)
6.96 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW (Local) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Sam Houston Elementary School to Personalized Learning Preparatory at Houston
6.97 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW (Local) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Onesimo Hernandez Elementary School to Montessori Academy at Hernandez
6.98 Consider and Take Possible to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW(Local) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Sudie L. Williams Elementary School to Sudie L. Williams Talented and Gifted Academy
7.23 Consider and Take Possible to Approve the Waiver to Board Policy CW (Local) Naming Facilities and Approve the Name Change of Sudie L. Williams Elementary School to Sudie L. Williams Talented and Gifted Academy (Consent Item 6.98, Pulled by the Administration)