6.01 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items 6.01 thru 6.25 as Amended
6.02 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy AE (Local) Educational Philosophy (Second Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff and Israel Cordero, Deputy Superintendent Academic Improvement and Accountability)
6.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Deletion of Board Policy AEA (Local) Educational Philosophy, Vision, Beliefs, Commitments (Second Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff and Israel Cordero, Deputy Superintendent Academic Improvement and Accountability)
6.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FFH (Local) Student Welfare Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Quarter 1 of 2017-2018 School Year Formal Acceptance and Ratification of Gifts with Cumulative Value Greater Than $5,000 for Schools and Departments (July 1, 2017 - September 30, 2017)
6.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017
6.13 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims and Accounts for September 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017
6.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify and Approve Applications and Accept Grant Funds - November 2017 (Not to Exceed $3,653,295 Special Revenue Funding Sources)
6.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Ratcliff Constructors, LP / Hernandez Consulting LLC, a Joint Venture to Renovate Sarah Zumwalt Middle School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $3,940,442.00 Bond Funds)
6.22 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the City of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required)
6.23 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Term Agreement with Various Suppliers for the Purchase of Small Cafeteria Serving Wares and Equipment for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed $2,400,000 for Three Years / Special Revenue Funds)
6.25 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Deletion of Board Policy EHBAB (Local) Special Education ARD Committee and Individualized Education Program (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)
6.01 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items 6.01 thru 6.25 as Amended
6.02 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy AE (Local) Educational Philosophy (Second Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff and Israel Cordero, Deputy Superintendent Academic Improvement and Accountability)
6.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Deletion of Board Policy AEA (Local) Educational Philosophy, Vision, Beliefs, Commitments (Second Read, Sponsored by Pam Lear, Chief of Staff and Israel Cordero, Deputy Superintendent Academic Improvement and Accountability)
6.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FFH (Local) Student Welfare Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Quarter 1 of 2017-2018 School Year Formal Acceptance and Ratification of Gifts with Cumulative Value Greater Than $5,000 for Schools and Departments (July 1, 2017 - September 30, 2017)
6.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017
6.13 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims and Accounts for September 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017
6.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify and Approve Applications and Accept Grant Funds - November 2017 (Not to Exceed $3,653,295 Special Revenue Funding Sources)
6.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Ratcliff Constructors, LP / Hernandez Consulting LLC, a Joint Venture to Renovate Sarah Zumwalt Middle School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $3,940,442.00 Bond Funds)
6.22 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the City of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required)
6.23 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Term Agreement with Various Suppliers for the Purchase of Small Cafeteria Serving Wares and Equipment for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed $2,400,000 for Three Years / Special Revenue Funds)
6.25 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Deletion of Board Policy EHBAB (Local) Special Education ARD Committee and Individualized Education Program (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivonne Durant, Chief Academic Officer)