6.01 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items 6.01 thru 6.28 as Amended
6.02 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FB (Local) Equal Educational Opportunity (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FFAD (Local) Wellness and Health Services Communicable Diseases (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.04 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FFAE (Local) Wellness and Health Services School Based Health Centers (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FME (Local) Student Activities Performances (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.06 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into an Agreement with Southern Methodist University for the Learning Therapy Program (Not to Exceed $375,000 Over Two Years General Operating/Special Revenue Funds)
6.07 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement with The University of Texas at Dallas, Brain Performance Institute for Strategic Memory Advanced Reasoning Training (No Financial Impact to the District)
6.08 Consider and Take Possible Action to Waive Board Policy CW (Local) and Approve the Opening, Naming and Location of Ignite Middle School at J.W. Ray Learning Center Located at 2211 Caddo Street for the 2018-19 School Year (Funding Not to Exceed $2.1 Million that is Designated but Not Assigned to a Choice School as Part of the Interim Bridge Plan)
6.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Agreement Between the Texas Women’s University and Dallas ISD (No Financial Impact)
6.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and After8toeducate to Provide Drop-In and Shelter Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth for Seven Years with Two 5 Year Option Renewals at the District's Discretion (Not to Exceed $2,295,000 for the Seven Year Term Plus the Renewal Options/ General Operating Funds)
6.11 Consider and Take Possible Action to Conduct the Board's Third Quarter Self-Evaluation in Accordance with the TEA Lone Star Governance Implementation Integrity Instrument
6.12 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Maximum Class Size Waiver Application Waiving EEB (Legal) to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for Fall 2017 (No Financial Impact)
6.13 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Selected Vendors for Event Rental Services for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $1,000,000 Over Three Years/General Operating Funds)
6.14 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Monthly Financial Reports and the Monthly Tax Report for the Period Ending August 31, 2017
6.15 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims and Accounts for August 1, 2017 to August 31, 2017
6.16 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for September 30, 2017
6.17 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the 2018-2019 Budget Development Calendar
6.18 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Reeder + Summit Joint Venture to Renovate Skyline High School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $24,430,606.00 Bond Funds)
6.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with 1 Priority Environmental Services Inc for Abatement of Hazardous Materials at Skyline High School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $791,004.00 Bond Funds)
6.20 Consider and Take Possible Action to Award and Enter into a Contract With RO - Chambers Joint Venture to Add an Addition to and Renovate South Oak Cliff High School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $42,180,308.00 Bond Funds)
6.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with J.C. Commercial, Inc. for the Renovation of Thomas C. Marsh Middle School; Approve Change Order #1 ($35,383.65 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($5,014.09 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program)
6.22 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Increase in an Amount Not to Exceed $3,787,423.00 from 2015 Bond Funds for Anson Jones Elementary School (No Financial Impact)
6.23 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the City of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required)
6.24 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve a Three Year Lease Agreement with Breaking of Day Family Church for the Operation of a Church at the Former Wilmer-Hutchins ISD A.L. Morney School Located at 700 N. Denton Street, Hutchins, TX ($37,090.80 Revenue Over Three Year Term)
6.25 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the County of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required)
6.26 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Marquee Signs, Installation, and Repair Services (Not to Exceed $400,000 Over Three Years/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.27 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into a Term Agreement with Various Suppliers for the Purchase of OEM Parts, Supplies and Replacement Equipment for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed $1,000,000 Over Three Years / Special Revenue Funds)
6.28 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Resolution in Support of Public Education (No Financial Impact)
6.01 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items 6.01 thru 6.28 as Amended
6.02 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FB (Local) Equal Educational Opportunity (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FFAD (Local) Wellness and Health Services Communicable Diseases (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.04 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FFAE (Local) Wellness and Health Services School Based Health Centers (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy FME (Local) Student Activities Performances (Second Read, Sponsored by Stephanie Elizalde, Chief of School Leadership)
6.06 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into an Agreement with Southern Methodist University for the Learning Therapy Program (Not to Exceed $375,000 Over Two Years General Operating/Special Revenue Funds)
6.07 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Interlocal Agreement with The University of Texas at Dallas, Brain Performance Institute for Strategic Memory Advanced Reasoning Training (No Financial Impact to the District)
6.08 Consider and Take Possible Action to Waive Board Policy CW (Local) and Approve the Opening, Naming and Location of Ignite Middle School at J.W. Ray Learning Center Located at 2211 Caddo Street for the 2018-19 School Year (Funding Not to Exceed $2.1 Million that is Designated but Not Assigned to a Choice School as Part of the Interim Bridge Plan)
6.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Agreement Between the Texas Women’s University and Dallas ISD (No Financial Impact)
6.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Agreement Between Dallas Independent School District and After8toeducate to Provide Drop-In and Shelter Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth for Seven Years with Two 5 Year Option Renewals at the District's Discretion (Not to Exceed $2,295,000 for the Seven Year Term Plus the Renewal Options/ General Operating Funds)
6.11 Consider and Take Possible Action to Conduct the Board's Third Quarter Self-Evaluation in Accordance with the TEA Lone Star Governance Implementation Integrity Instrument
6.12 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Maximum Class Size Waiver Application Waiving EEB (Legal) to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for Fall 2017 (No Financial Impact)
6.13 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Selected Vendors for Event Rental Services for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $1,000,000 Over Three Years/General Operating Funds)
6.14 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Monthly Financial Reports and the Monthly Tax Report for the Period Ending August 31, 2017
6.15 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims and Accounts for August 1, 2017 to August 31, 2017
6.16 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for September 30, 2017
6.17 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the 2018-2019 Budget Development Calendar
6.18 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Reeder + Summit Joint Venture to Renovate Skyline High School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $24,430,606.00 Bond Funds)
6.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with 1 Priority Environmental Services Inc for Abatement of Hazardous Materials at Skyline High School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $791,004.00 Bond Funds)
6.20 Consider and Take Possible Action to Award and Enter into a Contract With RO - Chambers Joint Venture to Add an Addition to and Renovate South Oak Cliff High School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $42,180,308.00 Bond Funds)
6.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with J.C. Commercial, Inc. for the Renovation of Thomas C. Marsh Middle School; Approve Change Order #1 ($35,383.65 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($5,014.09 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program)
6.22 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Increase in an Amount Not to Exceed $3,787,423.00 from 2015 Bond Funds for Anson Jones Elementary School (No Financial Impact)
6.23 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the City of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required)
6.24 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve a Three Year Lease Agreement with Breaking of Day Family Church for the Operation of a Church at the Former Wilmer-Hutchins ISD A.L. Morney School Located at 700 N. Denton Street, Hutchins, TX ($37,090.80 Revenue Over Three Year Term)
6.25 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the County of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required)
6.26 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Recommended Vendors to Provide Marquee Signs, Installation, and Repair Services (Not to Exceed $400,000 Over Three Years/General Operating Funds/Special Revenue Funds)
6.27 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter Into a Term Agreement with Various Suppliers for the Purchase of OEM Parts, Supplies and Replacement Equipment for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed $1,000,000 Over Three Years / Special Revenue Funds)
6.28 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Resolution in Support of Public Education (No Financial Impact)