8.01 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items 8.01 thru 8.21 as Amended
8.02 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the 85th Texas Legislative Agenda (No Financial Impact)
8.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy CH (Local) Purchasing and Acquisition (Second Read, Sponsored by Jim Terry, Chief Financial Officer and Cynthia Wilson, Chief of Staff)
8.04 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Adoption to Board Policy CJA (Local) Contracted Services Criminal History (Second Read, Sponsored by Jim Terry, Chief Financial Officer and Cynthia Wilson, Chief of Staff)
8.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy EHBC (Local) Special Programs Compensatory/Accelerated Services (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivan Duran, Deputy Superintendent)
8.06 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify and Approve the Expenditure to the University of North Texas at Dallas (UNTD for the Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (TEX-PREP) Not to Exceed $14,850 General Operating Funds)
8.07 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Increase with Various Vendors for Student Perception Survey for the Evaluation and Assessment Department (Not to Exceed $150,000/$1,150,000 Aggregate Over Two Years with One (1) Year Renewable Option/General Operating/Bond/Special Revenue Funds)
8.08 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Monthly Financial Reports and the Monthly Tax Report for the Period Ending July 31, 2016
8.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims and Accounts for July 1, 2016 to July 31, 2016
8.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for September 22, 2016
8.11 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify and Approve the Contract with Head Start of Greater Dallas to Provide Collaborative Prekindergarten Services and Accept Grant Funds - September 2016 (Not to Exceed $928,478 Special Revenue Funding Source)
8.12 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the District to Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Selected Firms for Construction Materials Testing Services in Conjunction with the 2015 Bond Program and other Projects Managed by Construction Services (Not to Exceed $3,500,000 Over Five Years, with Two One-Year Renewal Options; Bond Funds)
8.13 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Joe Funk Construction, Inc. for the Renovation of Bryan Adams High School; Approve Change Order #1 ($62,637.21 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($16,134.22 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes)
8.14 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with AMX Environmental, Ltd. for the Abatement of Hazardous Materials at Thomas C. Marsh Middle School; Approve Change Order #1 ($373.00 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($2,864.57 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes)
8.15 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Joe Funk Construction, Inc. for the Renovation of W.H. Gaston Middle School; Approve Change Order #1 ($114,514.84 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($9,674.60 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes)
8.16 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Phillips/May Corporation for the Renovation of H. Grady Spruce High School; Approve Change Order #1 ($175,961.01 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($10,089.53 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes)
8.17 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Granting of a 400 Square Foot Water Easement to the City of Dallas at the Lee A. McShan, Jr. Elementary School Located at 8307 Meadow Road, Dallas, Texas
8.18 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the City of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Sealed bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required)
8.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve a Third Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Innovel Solutions, Inc., (Formerly Sears Logistics Services, Inc.) for the Use of a Parking Area at 2419 Cockrell Avenue, Dallas, Texas (Revenue $226,500 Over One-Year Term)
8.20 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Inter-Agency Agreement for Participation in Region 10's Child Nutrition Multi Region Purchasing Cooperative Program (Over One Year/$20,000 Special Revenue Funds)
8.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Term Agreement with Various Vendors for the Purchase of Custodial Supplies & Equipment for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 Over Three Years / Special Revenue Funds)
8.01 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items 8.01 thru 8.21 as Amended
8.02 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the 85th Texas Legislative Agenda (No Financial Impact)
8.03 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy CH (Local) Purchasing and Acquisition (Second Read, Sponsored by Jim Terry, Chief Financial Officer and Cynthia Wilson, Chief of Staff)
8.04 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Adoption to Board Policy CJA (Local) Contracted Services Criminal History (Second Read, Sponsored by Jim Terry, Chief Financial Officer and Cynthia Wilson, Chief of Staff)
8.05 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Amendment to Board Policy EHBC (Local) Special Programs Compensatory/Accelerated Services (Second Read, Sponsored by Ivan Duran, Deputy Superintendent)
8.06 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify and Approve the Expenditure to the University of North Texas at Dallas (UNTD for the Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (TEX-PREP) Not to Exceed $14,850 General Operating Funds)
8.07 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Increase with Various Vendors for Student Perception Survey for the Evaluation and Assessment Department (Not to Exceed $150,000/$1,150,000 Aggregate Over Two Years with One (1) Year Renewable Option/General Operating/Bond/Special Revenue Funds)
8.08 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Monthly Financial Reports and the Monthly Tax Report for the Period Ending July 31, 2016
8.09 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims and Accounts for July 1, 2016 to July 31, 2016
8.10 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for September 22, 2016
8.11 Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify and Approve the Contract with Head Start of Greater Dallas to Provide Collaborative Prekindergarten Services and Accept Grant Funds - September 2016 (Not to Exceed $928,478 Special Revenue Funding Source)
8.12 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the District to Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Selected Firms for Construction Materials Testing Services in Conjunction with the 2015 Bond Program and other Projects Managed by Construction Services (Not to Exceed $3,500,000 Over Five Years, with Two One-Year Renewal Options; Bond Funds)
8.13 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Joe Funk Construction, Inc. for the Renovation of Bryan Adams High School; Approve Change Order #1 ($62,637.21 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($16,134.22 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes)
8.14 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with AMX Environmental, Ltd. for the Abatement of Hazardous Materials at Thomas C. Marsh Middle School; Approve Change Order #1 ($373.00 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($2,864.57 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes)
8.15 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Joe Funk Construction, Inc. for the Renovation of W.H. Gaston Middle School; Approve Change Order #1 ($114,514.84 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($9,674.60 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes)
8.16 Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Phillips/May Corporation for the Renovation of H. Grady Spruce High School; Approve Change Order #1 ($175,961.01 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes, Taxable Series 2013 Program ($10,089.53 Limited Maintenance Tax Qualified School Construction Notes)
8.17 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Granting of a 400 Square Foot Water Easement to the City of Dallas at the Lee A. McShan, Jr. Elementary School Located at 8307 Meadow Road, Dallas, Texas
8.18 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the City of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Sealed bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required)
8.19 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve a Third Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Innovel Solutions, Inc., (Formerly Sears Logistics Services, Inc.) for the Use of a Parking Area at 2419 Cockrell Avenue, Dallas, Texas (Revenue $226,500 Over One-Year Term)
8.20 Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Inter-Agency Agreement for Participation in Region 10's Child Nutrition Multi Region Purchasing Cooperative Program (Over One Year/$20,000 Special Revenue Funds)
8.21 Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Term Agreement with Various Vendors for the Purchase of Custodial Supplies & Equipment for Food and Child Nutrition Services (Not to Exceed $1,500,000 Over Three Years / Special Revenue Funds)