ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, ACCOLADES, AND INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHTS A. Recognition of Elected/Public Officials B. Recognition of Students, Schools, and Staff
PRESENTATION OF BOARD RECOGNITIONS A. Seagoville High School Academic Decathlon Team B. School of Science and Engineering Academic Decathlon Team C. Hillcrest High School Girl Swimmer D. North Dallas High School Girl Wrestler E. Kimball High School Girl Wrestler F. Skyline High School Girl Wrestler G. Skyline High School Mock Trial Team H. Cassandra McCurdy, Skyline Girls Coach I. Booker T. Washington High School for the Visual and Performing Arts J. Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Ride Tour K. Irma De La Guardia, Teacher at Harry C. Withers Elementary School
PUBLIC FORUM (SPEAKERS TO AGENDA ITEMS) Persons desiring to address the Board may register prior to the Board Meeting by calling the Board Services Office at (972) 925-3720 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m., the day preceding the Board Meeting. Speakers on Board Briefing Day are limited to specific agenda items. [See BE(LOCAL)] Persons who have not addressed the Board on Board Briefing Day, but who are properly registered, may address the regular Board Meeting as to agenda items, policies, or matters of public concern. At all other times during Board Meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes. Ref: Board Policy BED(LOCAL). Delegations consisting of two or more persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board.
5. REPORTS A. Superintendent's Report 1. 2015-2016 District Action Plan B. Individual Board Trustee District Reports C. Board of Trustee Committee Reports 2. Dan Micciche - Audit Committee
6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes Submitted for Approval
Board of Trustee Committee Reports Dan Micciche - Audit Committee
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A. Consent Agenda Items 1. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Architectural Firms Previously Approved for the 2008 Bond Program for Additional Projects 2. Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy BBG (Local) Board Members - Compensation and Expenses (Second Read, Sponsored by Deno Harris, Executive Director Administrative Services) 3. Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy BBI (Local) Board Members - Technology Resources and Electronic Communications (Second Read, Sponsored by Deno Harris, Executive Director Administrative Services) 4. Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy FDB (Local) Admissions, Intradistrict Transfers, and Classroom Assignments (Second Read, Sponsored by Mike Koprowski, Chief Transformation and Innovation) 5. Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims, and Accounts for January 1, 2015 to January 31, 2015 6. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Monthly Financial Reports and the Monthly Tax Report for the Period Ending January 31, 2015 7. Consider and Take Possible Action on an Item Previously Adopted Approving the Budget Amendments for January 22, 2015 8. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Applications and Accept Grant Funds – March 2015 (Not to Exceed $4,535,370 Special Revenue Funding Sources) 9. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Contracts with Job Order Contracting Firms for Hazardous Materials Abatement Projects Managed by Dallas ISD Construction Services (Not to Exceed $10,000,000 Various Funds) 10. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Big Sky Construction Co., Inc. to Renovate Moises E. Molina High School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $1,639,654.00 Bond Funds) 11. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter into a Contract with Weaver and Tidwell LLP for Professional Auditing Services as Required by the District (Not to Exceed $2,700,000 Over Three Years/General Operating) 12. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Insight Public Sector, Inc. for Districtwide Network Security (Not to Exceed $4,000,000 over Five Years (Three Years with Two (2) One (1) Year Renewal Options)/General Operating/Special Revenue/Bond Funds) 13. Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Phillips/May - Zion Joint Venture for the Renovation of Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center; Approve Change Order #1 ($7,991.71 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Bond Program ($2,718.69 Bond Funds) 14. Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with CF Jordan Construction, LLC for the Addition and Renovation of Gilbert Cuellar, Sr. Elementary School; Approve Change Order #1 ($16,755.33 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Bond Program ($23,743.47 Bond Funds) 15. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Form of Contract for General Construction Projects Procured Through the Competitive Sealed Proposal Method With Authority to Make Minor Modifications as Needed (No Financial Impact) 16. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the City of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Sealed Bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required) 17. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve a Lease Agreement with SBA 2012 TC Assets, LLC for a Commercial Communications Service Facility at Franklin Stadium Located at 10000 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, Texas ($472,500 Revenue Over Ten Year Contract Term) 18. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Increase to the Contracts for Theater and Stage Equipment, Installation, Repairs, Accessories, and Supplies for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $1,000,000/$2,500,000 for the Remaining Term of the Contract Using General Operating Funds/Bond Funds/Special Revenue Funds) 19. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Increase for the Purchase of Additional Modules for the Risk Management Information System for the Self Insured Workers' Compensation Program (Not to Exceed $164,979/$824,895 Aggregate Over Three Years/Workers Compensation Funds) 20. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) 21. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Dallas Independent School District Multi-Modal Limited Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2015; Making Provisions for the Payment Thereof by the Annual Levy of the District Maintenance and Operations Ad Valorem Tax; Providing for the Award of the Sale Thereof in Accordance with Specified Parameters; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Bond Purchase Agreement, a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Remarketing Agreement, and A Tender Agent Agreement; Appointing Co-Bond Counsel and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Retention Agreements; Approving the Preparation of an Official Statement; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating Thereto 22. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Underwriters to Provide Underwriting, Marketing, and Distribution of Dallas Independent School District Multi-Modal Limited Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2015; and Other Matters Related Thereto 23. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for March 26, 2015
Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter into a Contract with Weaver and Tidwell LLP for Professional Auditing Services as Required by the District (Not to Exceed $2,700,000 Over Three Years/General Operating) (Consent Item 7A.11, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Lew Blackburn)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) (Consent Item 7A.20, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) (Consent Item 7A.20, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) (Consent Item 7A.20, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) (Consent Item 7A.20, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Dallas Independent School District Multi-Modal Limited Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2015; Making Provisions for the Payment Thereof by the Annual Levy of the District Maintenance and Operations Ad Valorem Tax; Providing for the Award of the Sale Thereof in Accordance with Specified Parameters; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Bond Purchase Agreement, a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Remarketing Agreement, and A Tender Agent Agreement; Appointing Co-Bond Counsel and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Retention Agreements; Approving the Preparation of an Official Statement; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating Thereto (Consent Item 7A.21, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Underwriters to Provide Underwriting, Marketing, and Distribution of Dallas Independent School District Multi-Modal Limited Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2015; and Other Matters Related Thereto (Consent Item 7A.22, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Architectural Firms Previously Approved for the 2008 Bond Program for Additional Projects (Consent Item 7A.1, Pulled by Administration)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for March 26, 2015
Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy BBG (Local) Board Members - Compensation and Expenses (Second Read, Sponsored by Deno Harris, Executive Director Administrative Services) (Consent Item 7A.2, Pulled by Trustees Lew Blackburn and Joyce Foreman)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy BBI (Local) Board Members -Technology Resources and Electronic Communications(Second Read, Sponsored by Deno Harris, Executive Director Administrative Services) (Consent Item 7A.3, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Lew Blackburn)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy FDB (Local) Admissions, Intradistrict Transfers, and Classroom Assignments (Second Read, Sponsored by Mike Koprowski, Chief Transformation and Innovation) (Consent Item 7A.4, Pulled by Administration)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims, and Accounts for January 1, 2015 to January 31, 2015 (Consent Item 7A.5, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Bernadette Nutall)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Monthly Financial Reports and the Monthly Tax Report for the Period Ending January 31, 2015 (Consent Item 7A.6, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Bernadette Nutall)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Insight Public Sector, Inc. for Districtwide Network Security (Not to Exceed $4,000,000 over Five Years (Three Years with Two (2) One (1) Year Renewal Options)/General Operating/Special Revenue/Bond Funds) (Consent Item 7A.12, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Lew Blackburn
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Form of Contract for General Construction Projects Procured Through the Competitive Sealed Proposal Method With Authority to Make Minor Modifications as Needed (No Financial Impact) (Consent Item 7A.15, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Bernadette Nutall)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, ACCOLADES, AND INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHTS A. Recognition of Elected/Public Officials B. Recognition of Students, Schools, and Staff
PRESENTATION OF BOARD RECOGNITIONS A. Seagoville High School Academic Decathlon Team B. School of Science and Engineering Academic Decathlon Team C. Hillcrest High School Girl Swimmer D. North Dallas High School Girl Wrestler E. Kimball High School Girl Wrestler F. Skyline High School Girl Wrestler G. Skyline High School Mock Trial Team H. Cassandra McCurdy, Skyline Girls Coach I. Booker T. Washington High School for the Visual and Performing Arts J. Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Ride Tour K. Irma De La Guardia, Teacher at Harry C. Withers Elementary School
PUBLIC FORUM (SPEAKERS TO AGENDA ITEMS) Persons desiring to address the Board may register prior to the Board Meeting by calling the Board Services Office at (972) 925-3720 during regular business hours. The deadline for registering to address the Board is 5 p.m., the day preceding the Board Meeting. Speakers on Board Briefing Day are limited to specific agenda items. [See BE(LOCAL)] Persons who have not addressed the Board on Board Briefing Day, but who are properly registered, may address the regular Board Meeting as to agenda items, policies, or matters of public concern. At all other times during Board Meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes. Ref: Board Policy BED(LOCAL). Delegations consisting of two or more persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board.
5. REPORTS A. Superintendent's Report 1. 2015-2016 District Action Plan B. Individual Board Trustee District Reports C. Board of Trustee Committee Reports 2. Dan Micciche - Audit Committee
6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes Submitted for Approval
Board of Trustee Committee Reports Dan Micciche - Audit Committee
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A. Consent Agenda Items 1. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Architectural Firms Previously Approved for the 2008 Bond Program for Additional Projects 2. Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy BBG (Local) Board Members - Compensation and Expenses (Second Read, Sponsored by Deno Harris, Executive Director Administrative Services) 3. Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy BBI (Local) Board Members - Technology Resources and Electronic Communications (Second Read, Sponsored by Deno Harris, Executive Director Administrative Services) 4. Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy FDB (Local) Admissions, Intradistrict Transfers, and Classroom Assignments (Second Read, Sponsored by Mike Koprowski, Chief Transformation and Innovation) 5. Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims, and Accounts for January 1, 2015 to January 31, 2015 6. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Monthly Financial Reports and the Monthly Tax Report for the Period Ending January 31, 2015 7. Consider and Take Possible Action on an Item Previously Adopted Approving the Budget Amendments for January 22, 2015 8. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Applications and Accept Grant Funds – March 2015 (Not to Exceed $4,535,370 Special Revenue Funding Sources) 9. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Contracts with Job Order Contracting Firms for Hazardous Materials Abatement Projects Managed by Dallas ISD Construction Services (Not to Exceed $10,000,000 Various Funds) 10. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Big Sky Construction Co., Inc. to Renovate Moises E. Molina High School in Conjunction with the Bond Program (Not to Exceed $1,639,654.00 Bond Funds) 11. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter into a Contract with Weaver and Tidwell LLP for Professional Auditing Services as Required by the District (Not to Exceed $2,700,000 Over Three Years/General Operating) 12. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Insight Public Sector, Inc. for Districtwide Network Security (Not to Exceed $4,000,000 over Five Years (Three Years with Two (2) One (1) Year Renewal Options)/General Operating/Special Revenue/Bond Funds) 13. Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with Phillips/May - Zion Joint Venture for the Renovation of Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center; Approve Change Order #1 ($7,991.71 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Bond Program ($2,718.69 Bond Funds) 14. Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept the Completion of Work for the Contract with CF Jordan Construction, LLC for the Addition and Renovation of Gilbert Cuellar, Sr. Elementary School; Approve Change Order #1 ($16,755.33 Credit); and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the Bond Program ($23,743.47 Bond Funds) 15. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Form of Contract for General Construction Projects Procured Through the Competitive Sealed Proposal Method With Authority to Make Minor Modifications as Needed (No Financial Impact) 16. Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize the City of Dallas to Represent the Dallas Independent School District in the Matter of Tax Foreclosure Sales by Public Sealed Bid or Private Sale (No Funding Required) 17. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve a Lease Agreement with SBA 2012 TC Assets, LLC for a Commercial Communications Service Facility at Franklin Stadium Located at 10000 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, Texas ($472,500 Revenue Over Ten Year Contract Term) 18. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Increase to the Contracts for Theater and Stage Equipment, Installation, Repairs, Accessories, and Supplies for Districtwide Use (Not to Exceed $1,000,000/$2,500,000 for the Remaining Term of the Contract Using General Operating Funds/Bond Funds/Special Revenue Funds) 19. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Increase for the Purchase of Additional Modules for the Risk Management Information System for the Self Insured Workers' Compensation Program (Not to Exceed $164,979/$824,895 Aggregate Over Three Years/Workers Compensation Funds) 20. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) 21. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Dallas Independent School District Multi-Modal Limited Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2015; Making Provisions for the Payment Thereof by the Annual Levy of the District Maintenance and Operations Ad Valorem Tax; Providing for the Award of the Sale Thereof in Accordance with Specified Parameters; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Bond Purchase Agreement, a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Remarketing Agreement, and A Tender Agent Agreement; Appointing Co-Bond Counsel and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Retention Agreements; Approving the Preparation of an Official Statement; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating Thereto 22. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Underwriters to Provide Underwriting, Marketing, and Distribution of Dallas Independent School District Multi-Modal Limited Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2015; and Other Matters Related Thereto 23. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for March 26, 2015
Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate, and Enter into a Contract with Weaver and Tidwell LLP for Professional Auditing Services as Required by the District (Not to Exceed $2,700,000 Over Three Years/General Operating) (Consent Item 7A.11, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Lew Blackburn)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) (Consent Item 7A.20, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) (Consent Item 7A.20, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) (Consent Item 7A.20, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Interim Bridge Plan Including Re-Opening or Re-Purposing Hulcy, Harllee, Frazier, Arlington Park, and Renovating and/or Making Additions to Address Critical Needs at Macon ES, Titche ES, Field ES, White HS, Jackson ES, Seagoville HS, Lakewood ES, Adams ES, and Greiner MS, Renovating Future Innovation Schools Including Cabell ES, Rogers ES, and Marsh MS, Launching New Transformation Schools, and Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Space at Burnet ES, Smith ES, Guzick ES, Wilmer-Hutchins ES, Sanger ES, Holland at Lisbon ES, and Near Frank/Junkins/Bush ES (Not to Exceed $30mil in 2008 Bond Funds, $75mil in Maintenance Tax Notes, $43million in General Funds) (Consent Item 7A.20, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Dallas Independent School District Multi-Modal Limited Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2015; Making Provisions for the Payment Thereof by the Annual Levy of the District Maintenance and Operations Ad Valorem Tax; Providing for the Award of the Sale Thereof in Accordance with Specified Parameters; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Bond Purchase Agreement, a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Remarketing Agreement, and A Tender Agent Agreement; Appointing Co-Bond Counsel and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Retention Agreements; Approving the Preparation of an Official Statement; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating Thereto (Consent Item 7A.21, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Underwriters to Provide Underwriting, Marketing, and Distribution of Dallas Independent School District Multi-Modal Limited Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2015; and Other Matters Related Thereto (Consent Item 7A.22, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Miguel Solis)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into Agreements with Architectural Firms Previously Approved for the 2008 Bond Program for Additional Projects (Consent Item 7A.1, Pulled by Administration)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Budget Amendments for March 26, 2015
Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy BBG (Local) Board Members - Compensation and Expenses (Second Read, Sponsored by Deno Harris, Executive Director Administrative Services) (Consent Item 7A.2, Pulled by Trustees Lew Blackburn and Joyce Foreman)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy BBI (Local) Board Members -Technology Resources and Electronic Communications(Second Read, Sponsored by Deno Harris, Executive Director Administrative Services) (Consent Item 7A.3, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Lew Blackburn)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Amend Board Policy FDB (Local) Admissions, Intradistrict Transfers, and Classroom Assignments (Second Read, Sponsored by Mike Koprowski, Chief Transformation and Innovation) (Consent Item 7A.4, Pulled by Administration)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Ratify the Amount of Bills, Claims, and Accounts for January 1, 2015 to January 31, 2015 (Consent Item 7A.5, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Bernadette Nutall)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Monthly Financial Reports and the Monthly Tax Report for the Period Ending January 31, 2015 (Consent Item 7A.6, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Bernadette Nutall)
Consider and Take Possible Action to Authorize, Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with Insight Public Sector, Inc. for Districtwide Network Security (Not to Exceed $4,000,000 over Five Years (Three Years with Two (2) One (1) Year Renewal Options)/General Operating/Special Revenue/Bond Funds) (Consent Item 7A.12, Pulled by Trustees Elizabeth Jones and Lew Blackburn
Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve the Form of Contract for General Construction Projects Procured Through the Competitive Sealed Proposal Method With Authority to Make Minor Modifications as Needed (No Financial Impact) (Consent Item 7A.15, Pulled by Trustees Joyce Foreman and Bernadette Nutall)